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8 octobre 2013 2 08 /10 /octobre /2013 15:27

Seffa Medfouna en vidéo

Seffa Medfouna en vidéo


This famous Moroccan dish features

a mound of steamed

      Vermicelli with chicken sauce.

Very delicious! 


I invite you to watch the video 



Seffa Medfouna en vidéo

Seffa Medfouna en vidéo

 Seffa Medfouna en vidéo

Seffa Medfouna (9)

Seffa Medfouna (7)

Seffa medfouna 006   Seffa medfouna 008 Seffa medfouna 009

Seffa medfouna 011

Seffa medfouna 014 Seffa medfouna 030



La vidéo 




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8 octobre 2013 2 08 /10 /octobre /2013 02:13

Pizza is one of the few dishes that

requires no side dish.


The video




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28 septembre 2013 6 28 /09 /septembre /2013 13:54


Couscous au boeuf Recette Marocaine -كسكس بلحم البقر


Today's recipe "Chicken couscous"

already posted a few years ago,

I refilmed this recipe to your requests.


I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article


Couscous au boeuf Recette Marocaine -كسكس بلحم البقر



I used beef to cook couscous 

but you can replace it with lamb

or chicken , respecting the cooking time of course.


Couscous au boeuf Recette Marocaine -كسكس بلحم البقر


To cook couscous, you will need couscousier.

As I mentioned in the video, you can leave out, 

replace or add other vegetables.


Couscous au boeuf Recette Marocaine -كسكس بلحم البقر

Couscous au boeuf Recette Marocaine -كسكس بلحم البقر


When I was filming the recipe, I had

a power outage, I gathered all

lamps that I had in my house in order to have enough 

light, as you can see in the picture.


Couscous au boeuf Recette Marocaine -كسكس بلحم البقر


The video

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24 septembre 2013 2 24 /09 /septembre /2013 12:54

 Chfenj: Moroccan Doughnuts



The sfenj recipe was posted 4 years ago

unfortunately the video is no longer working

after someone hacked my youtube channel.

You are so many to ask for the video, so I am

reposting it again. Try these sfenjs and give

me your opinion, send me your pictures.

I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article



Sfenj, the Moroccan donuts are based

on a sticky paste.

 These can be purchased from the

street vendors on every corner in Morocco.

Sfenj is usually consumed hot, plain or sprinkled

with sugar, for breakfast or tea time.




The recipe does not require many

ingredients, the texture on the outside is crispy,

inside is very soft and spongy.

I recommend this recipe because it is ideal

if you want to eat sfenj

just like home Morocco .





Vendeur de Sfenj au Maroc

Street vendor Sfenj in Morocco


The video



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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 12:10

I present you a tajine with chicken and cabbage,

it's delicious and easy to prepare, what I like in tajine

it is that we can replace a vegetable by the other one,

for example the cabbage with peppers

or green olives for example.

The video



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20 septembre 2013 5 20 /09 /septembre /2013 11:53

Fish tajine the moroccan way



This recipe is very simple and very tasty.


I invite you to watch the video at the end


tajine au poisson 1

tajine au poisson 3

tajine au poisson 2


The video

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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 11:33

Today, I would like to share with you a different forms

of Brioches that were made from the same dough,

I stuffed them with jam, some of them are filled

and some of them are drizzled with cream cheese.

Try them, I am sure you will like them.


I invite you to watch the video



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12 septembre 2013 4 12 /09 /septembre /2013 03:23

Salad recipe, simple and easy

Salade de Sousoukitchen-Cuisine Marocaine



Easy, refreshing, healthy, and delicious!

Perfect as a side dish, or an entree

with some grilled fish or chicken. 


I invite you to watch the video at the end

Salade de Sousoukitchen-Cuisine Marocaine

Salade de Sousoukitchen-Cuisine Marocaine

Salade de Sousoukitchen-Cuisine Marocaine

Salade de Sousoukitchen-Cuisine Marocaine


La vidéo


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10 septembre 2013 2 10 /09 /septembre /2013 16:10



Today , I want to share with you a slightly sweet

yeast dough filled with plums and walnuts.

You can replace the plums with the same amount

of dried apricots, you don't need to cook them,

just soak them in hot water.


I invite you to watch the recipe. 






The video




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9 septembre 2013 1 09 /09 /septembre /2013 22:05

Sunflower seeds Bread2

Sunflower seeds BreadSunflower seeds Bread1 



I love to prepare bread recipes, I almost have

a fresh bread everyday at home, I like to fill

my kitchen with the tantalizing aromas of

homemade bread fresh from the oven !

Honey gives this bread a beautiful color,

it can be eaten as an accompaniment to soup

in winter and as sandwich bread in summer.


I post you the video at the end of the article


Sunflower seeds Bread9

 Sunflower seeds Bread7-copie-1

 Sunflower seeds Bread8

Sunflower seeds Bread5

Sunflower seeds Bread4

Sunflower seeds Bread3


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