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my videos in my blog, can watch them here







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Thanks for your visit, hope to see you soon.


27 août 2011 6 27 /08 /août /2011 23:09

I would like to share with you another collection

of "Sousoukitchen Recipes" that you tried,

I thank you for having tried my recipes and

also for having made the effort to take pictures

and to send them to me.


For those who wish to share with

us their results, Please send them here:




Please subscribe to my Newsletter

to receive my videos as soon as I post them.


Seffa Medfouna de Sana

Seffa Medfouna of Sana


Rouleaux aux p.de terre de Sana-copie-1

Rolls with Potatoes of Sana


Poulet a la marocaine de Sana

Chicken à la marocaine of Sana


Mimi Rania 2-copie-1

Stuffed Matlou3 of Mimi Rania


Mimi Rania

Msemen of Rania 


Mhencha de Sana

Mhencha of Sana


Meskouta de Nejla

Meskouta of Nejla


Cupcake de Nejla

Cupcake of Nejla


Cupcake aux pepites au chocolat de Nejla

Cupcake with chocolat chips of Nejla


Cupcake au chocolat de Nejla

Chocolate Cupcake of Nejla

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19 août 2011 5 19 /08 /août /2011 12:51

  Here is another collection of pictures that I received

from a fan of Sousoukitchen, Amal is a regular fan,

she would like toshare with us these delicious dishes

that she prepared during this month of Ramadan.

Thank you Amal for your trust, your dishes are successfuly made.


I have more pictures that I recently received,

I will post them as soon as I get the chance.

Thank you for your comments,

  I ask you for forgiveness, I can't answer everybody.





Amal (12)



Amal (15)

Stuffed Briouats 


Amal (14)

Stuffed Croissants 


Amal (16)

Beef Tajine with vegetables


Amal (17)

Oriental Rice 


Amal (18)

Stuffed Dates  


Amal (19)

Moroccan Harira 


Amal (25)

Moroccan Baghrir 


Amal (27)

Stuffed Tartelets 


Amal (8)



Amal (3)

Briouats stuffed with Almonds


Amal (9)




Please subscribe to my Newsletter if you want

to receive my videos as soon as I post them, thank you.



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17 août 2011 3 17 /08 /août /2011 14:34
Jus de Fraises & Lait Concentré
 Here is a  refreshing drink for the heat,
Especially during this month of Ramadan.
This recipe does not ask for many ingredients.
I invite you to watch the video
 Jus de Fraises & Lait Concentré
 Jus de Fraises & Lait Concentré
 Jus de Fraises & Lait Concentré
 Jus de Fraises & Lait Concentré
The video
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14 août 2011 7 14 /08 /août /2011 12:16

Here is another collection of tested recipes but

this time it's from a single fan of sousoukitchen: Noora,

She had the kindness to share with us

her own pictures and even of her beautiful daughters 

 who are participating to prepare recipes of Sousoukitchen.


Thank you Noora for giving me the permission to

 share your photos with my fans.

I have more pictures of my fans,

I will soon post them.


I invite the others to send me photos of recipes

 tested here: sousoukitchen@gmail.com


Subscribe to my newsletter, you will receive my videos

as soon as I post them, thank you.



Cookies stuffed with dates 





Brioche au Miel de Noora  Brioche with honey


Knot de Noora

 Brioche with poppy seeds 


Donuts de Noora



Mahra making mini knots

Mahra is preparing Knots


Noora (1)Her sister is eating them 


Pain Brioche aux grain de pavot fille de Noora

sablees vanilla fille de Noora Vanilla Cookies 


Noora (3)

Noora had also shared her pictures

of her beautiful tagines with us.


Tajines de Noora

Thanks Noora for this beautifut post





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9 août 2011 2 09 /08 /août /2011 12:14
Jus de Grenade (2)
 Pomegranate juice عصير الرمان : is a unique.
A simple recipe with simple ingredients.
Pomegranates are great for your health. They have cancer fighting
antioxidants and can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.
 I invite you to watch the video the end of the article
Jus de Grenade (6)
Jus de Grenade (1)
Jus de Grenade (3)
Jus de Grenade (4)
Jus de Grenade (7)
La vidéo
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4 août 2011 4 04 /08 /août /2011 21:59

Krichlats, Bread rolls with Chocolate, Brioche, Birthday cake,

Stuffed Batbouts, Rfissa, Briwats, Cake roll  with lemon

are my recipes tested by you.


Here is another collection of pictures that I recieved from my fans

who tried my recipes. I still have a lot (I post only 10 pictures every time), the rest will be posted the next time.


 I thought of adding a new section which I will call

"Request Recipes for Sousoukitchen ", I explain to you:


If you like a dish which you ate at a friend's house or

a member of family and you wish to add it to your culinary list but you do not know how

to prepare it, write to me, I will do my best to film the recipe on video. 


Or if you have a recipe (especially Moroccan) and

you wish to share it with us, write me,

I will post a video about it (according to my possibilities of course)



amal oukha (3)

Krachels of Amal Oukha


amal oukha (5)

Krichlat of Amal Oukha


Asmae oum ahmed (1)

Brioche of Asmae


Asmae oum ahmed (3)

Birthday Cake of Asmae


Asmae oum ahmed (4)

Petits pains au Chocolat of Asmae


Batbout farci de Leila

Stuffed Batbout of Leila


Briwats de Melissa

Briwats of Melissa


Rfissa de MelissaRfissa of Melissa 


gateau roulée au citron de Soulef

 Roll Cake with Lemon of Soulef


Petit pain au Chocolat de Soulef Petits pains au Chocolat of Soulef






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3 août 2011 3 03 /08 /août /2011 14:16

IMG 6856

This here is one of the simplest types of tagines, it's a farmer
style tagine if you will, made with ground beef, tomatoes,
spices and eggs.


I invite you to watch the video

IMG 6853
Tagine is a large basic part of the Moroccan food culture,
you can find almost everything possible in a tagine and
they are made many different ways.

The best way to eat a tagine is with homemade bread.
I have prepared a Moroccan semolina bread to accompany
my tagine, it's HERE.
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1 août 2011 1 01 /08 /août /2011 14:39

2011-07-26 Sellou3


Sellou (or Sfouf)السفوف او سلو is a unique Moroccan dessert,

made with sesame seeds, grilled almonds and

the flour which is baked in the oven. 


I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article


2011-07-26 Sellou


It is traditionally served during Ramadan  

and El Eid, marriages and the other special occasions. 





2011-07-26 Sellou6



2011-07-26 Sellou5  Sesame Seeds


2011-07-26 Sellou4  Arabic Gum 




 It is necessary to sift the flour after baking it 




And powdered sugar.




Add the dry ingredients and mix.

If you make a large quantity and you wish

to keep the Sellou longer, it is necessary to stop at this step.




If not, add butter and honey.




Indeed mix and serve in various methods.



2011-07-26 Sellou2

2011-07-26 Sellou1


Various methods to serve Sellou


Sellou (en vidéo) سلو 

Sellou (en vidéo) سلو 

Sellou (en vidéo) سلو 

The video

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30 juillet 2011 6 30 /07 /juillet /2011 21:21



Muslims around the world anticipate the arrival of the holiest

month of the year. During Ramadan, the ninth month

of the Islamic calendar, Muslims from all continents unite

in a period of fasting and spiritual reflection.
Muslims who are physically able are required to fast each

day of the entire month, from sunrise to sunset.

The evenings are spent enjoying family and community meals.

For this holy month, I wish a happy Ramadan

to all Muslims all over the world.


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29 juin 2011 3 29 /06 /juin /2011 13:48

Crème Caramel


  Before presenting you the following recipe

"Cream Custard", allow me to take the time

to tell you about your numerous emails.

If I could answer everyone of you, I would do

it without hesitating, regrettably I do not have time.


  Crème Caramel


 This article is dedicated to every person who

has expressed their gratitude. 

I do not know how to thank you enough, I have only one

thing to say: your comments are very touching.


Crème Caramel


Many comments I received mentioned that because of my videos, they became culinary chefs. Let me tell you something: it's because of your own efforts, your patience and love for the kitchen, that you have improved. Never doubt your capacity, whatever it is.The first step is the hardest, with the time, you will see that you can perfectly make ALL  recipes without even to realise it.



Crème Caramel


   Thank you my friends from facebook, from youtube,

from my 3 blogs and remember :




Crème Caramel


 The  Cream Custard recipe is the second

on my blog, you will find the first one HERE.


I invite you to watch the video



Crème Caramel


Crème Caramel 



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