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26 novembre 2009 4 26 /11 /novembre /2009 18:02

Eid Mubarak orkut scraps, greetings, myspace comments and glitters

On El Eid, I wish that Allah graces you with a shower of happiness, love and peace...

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13 novembre 2009 5 13 /11 /novembre /2009 04:59

I am very honored to receive these three Prizes from my friend Sushma Mallya of the blog Autentic Food Delights.
Thank you Sushma Mallya for having chosen me, I am sincerely deeply touched, it is a great pleasure to know that there are people who give some value to what we are doing and even give us rewards.  

Presentation Award

I would like to offer it to :

I would like to offer it to :

- Ma cabane aux délices
- Prettybaking
- Oummounifrayan
- Saveurculinaire
- Culinary delight

I received this prize from my friend Arlette from the blog
Phoeniciangourmet, I thank her from the bottom of my heart, I am taking advantage of this opportunity to thank her for all the work that she does for our club Walima.

Creativ Blogger

I would like to offer it to :
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10 novembre 2009 2 10 /11 /novembre /2009 02:57



I would like to thank everybody who visited my channel

in youtube.com/sousoukitchen1 and those who watched

my videos, those who sent me e-mails, comments and also

those who criticized me .

I posted my first video on you tube exactly one year ago,

this was even before I had a blog.
I have the great pleasure to have more than

700 subscribers and more than 90 friends.
It is because of you that I continue to post videos,

I still have a lot to share with you.
To be honest, sometimes I get frustrated, but when

I think to myself, that there are people who wait for my recipes,

I gather all my strength to continue what I began.
So be faithful, continue to write me, your comments

give me courage.

I dedicate to you this video which is a copulation

of all the recipes that I have posted during my first year.

The video


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2 novembre 2009 1 02 /11 /novembre /2009 05:20

Today I don't have a recipe for you, but I would like to share some

pictures of Halloween with you.

Halloween is a holiday here in USA, where children wear costumes

and go from house to house and ask for sweets when it's getting dark.

Some people don't stop with costumes but decorate their houses as well. I would like to show you some of the decorations that we saw while trick or treating.

This first picture is of my two kids, the rest are from the people from the neighborhood.

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30 octobre 2009 5 30 /10 /octobre /2009 15:13

Hello everybody,
First I would like to thank Soulef who has two fantastic blogs
amour de cuisine" and
my love of cooking" for having encouraged me to write you this article.
Every time I visit a blog, I click the advertisement so that the owner of the blog benefits from just a little money , my blogger friends asked me if they can click the advertisement on my blog, I answer them "yes and thank you".
I ask not only the blogger to click but every person who visits my blog and not only my blog, but also every blog you visit because they deserve to be rewarded after the hard work that they do to help you by presenting you well explained recipes .
In my opinion, it is a way (which hurts nobody) to say to them " thank you for all that you make for us ".
Thank you for your visits and for your clicks.

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15 octobre 2009 4 15 /10 /octobre /2009 04:03

It is with a great pleasure that I answer a game of tag today which I received from my friend Nadjibella of the blog
saveurs et gourmandises. This tag consists in revealing 3 things that make me happy during the day.
If you like my recipes, take a look at her blog, I guarantee you, you will find what you are looking for.

Here are the 3 things that make me happy during the day :

* When my children wake up in the morning and come to look for me to say
" Hello, I love you mom "
* When I drink my coffee in the morning by listening to soft music and by looking at the sun as it comes through my window.
* When I receive emails (compliments) from people telling me they tried my recipes .

And like the rules of the game says, I have to pass this on to 3 blogueuses friends :

In my kitchen
- Sushma mallya Autenticfooddelights
- Sourour Au Royaume de Sourour

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13 octobre 2009 2 13 /10 /octobre /2009 05:43

I was tagged by my dear friend Oumotalal fromcuisine de oumotalat.
I have to reveal you my 3 wishes of life.
Actually, I have many (thanks God I am only listing 3 wishes).

1st wish
: that my family and everybody are healthy.
2nd wish: return permanently to my dear country "Morocco".
3rd wish: make a pilgrimage to " Mecca ", with two people who are dear to my heart.

I would like to pass it to :

* kouky
* lakhbira
* fatya

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11 octobre 2009 7 11 /10 /octobre /2009 10:46

Hello everybody, today I did not present you a recipe, but in stead photos which I want to share with you. My son has asked me to go to the beach for over a week, I promised to take him because he deserves it, he is great at school.
I know that most of you live in countries where it is cold for the moment, but here it is the opposite, we still have the summer heat and as you can see in the photos, here in Florida, people still go to the beach.

Here are my two sweethearts

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19 septembre 2009 6 19 /09 /septembre /2009 13:54

Before presenting you the next recipe, I want to offer this beautiful

flower from my own garden, to all my friends and to my guests who

honor me by coming to visit me.
I wish you a Happy El Aid.

عيد مبارك سعيد وكل عام وانتم بخير

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14 septembre 2009 1 14 /09 /septembre /2009 03:36

I was tagged by my dear friend
Faiza Ali's Kitchen.
Thank you so much Faiza for thinking of me.

The Rules:

1. Link the person who tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Share the ABCs of you.

4. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.

5. Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.

The Tag:

1. A – Available/Single? married

2. B – Best friend? My husband and my kids

3. C – Cake or Pie? Neither

4. D – Drink of choice? Orange juice, water

5. E – Essential item you use every day? My Lap top , my phone


 6. F – Favorite color? Orange

7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? neither.

8. H – Hometown? Kenitra, Morocco

9. I – Indulgence? Moroccan cookies

10. J – January or February? November

11. K – Kids & their names? a son Idriss & a daughter Jenna-Aicha

12. L – Life is incomplete without? Family and Morocco

19. S – Season? Summer ( To travel to "my Morocco" )

20. T – Tag 4 People? later

21. U – Unknown fact about me? I love Horror movies

22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Okra

23. W – Worst habit? Get mad easy (unfortunately)

24. X – X-rays you've had? No, thank God

25. Y – Your favorite food? Tagines

26. Z – Zodiac sign? Scorpio

I would like to pass the above tag to:

Rosa 's Yummy Yums

Health nut

5 star Foodie

Yummy food

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