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2 novembre 2012 5 02 /11 /novembre /2012 13:57
Langue de boeuf -Recette de Choumicha
    I always wanted to make a tongue dish,
but I didn't know how to.
After a lot of research, I found this recipe
from the famous
  Choumicha, it's not only easy to make,
it's delicious.
I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article
Langue de boeuf -Recette de Choumicha Langue de boeuf -Recette de Choumicha
The steps :

The video
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2 novembre 2012 5 02 /11 /novembre /2012 13:13


In El Eid (Muslim Holiday), our custom consists that every family,

as far as its means allow, sacrifices a sheep. We prepare meals

with  this meat, Tagines , couscous, and grilled as well,

we leave part of  the meat to dry, that what we call "El Gedid".
The meat is marinaded in several spices and dried under the sun,

so that we can eat all year long.


- 3 pounds beef
- 4 Tbs salt
- 6 garlic cloves
- 3 Tbs coriander powder
- 1 Tbs cumin
- a pinch of saffron
- 1/2 tsp turmeric
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup vinegar



so that the spices are absorbed into the meat

(this helps the meat  from rotting).
Let marinade for at least one hour, hang the meat on a thread,

let dry under the sun all day long, to bring inside for the evening,

then the next day, hang it again under the sun until it is well dried
and its color becomes dark.

To keep El Gedid all year long, honnestly, I have no idea,

because  I never prepare it myself, I asked my mother

who said to me this :
You should not put it in the freezer, it is simply necessary

to cover  it with a white cloth and to put it in a plastic bag,

keep it in a drawer,

to take it out every two months and sun dry it.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 17:46

There are many, many versions of Basboussa which you find 
in many Arabic countries. I absolutely love this version with
coconut, it's not only easy to make, it's also delicious.

I invite you to watch the video.

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1 novembre 2012 4 01 /11 /novembre /2012 15:34
To change a little bit the common cheesecakes,
I added pumpkin purée  which enriched this cake
and added to it a very pleasant flavor.

* 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
* 1 Tbs sugar
* 1/4 cup butter, melted

* 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese
* 3/4 cup sugar
* 2 eggs
* 1 can (15 ounces) pumpkin purée 
* 1 tsp cinnamon
* 1/2 tsp ginger
* 1/2 nutmeg
* 1/4 tsp salt

* 2 cups (16 ounces) sour cream
* 2 Tbs sugar
* 1 tsp vanilla sugar
* 12-16 nuts or pecan halves
2010-04-21-pumpkin-cake7.jpg2010-04-21-pumpkin-cake4.jpg2010-04-21 pumpkin cake6
Combine the graham cracker crumbs and sugar, stir in butter.
Press into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan, and chill.
For filling, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add eggs,
beat just until blended in. Stir in the pumpkin, spices and salt.
Pour into crust. Place pan on a baking sheet,
bake at 350 F for 50 min.
Meanwhile, for topping, combine the sour cream, sugar
and vanilla sugar until smooth. Spread over filling, return
to the oven for 5 min, cool on rack for 10 min. Carefully
run a knife around edge of pan to loosen, cool 1 h longer.
Refrigerate overnight. Remove sides of pan. Garnish each
slice witha walnut (or pecan half). Store in the refrigerator. 
I invite you to watch the video 
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31 octobre 2012 3 31 /10 /octobre /2012 14:11
Petits gateaux de Halloween
 I prepared for you some Halloween cakes, 
which is  a big holiday here in the USA.
I had a lot of fun, indeed
preparing them with my daughter 
and especially to decorate them.
You will find another Halloween cupcakes HERE
I invite you to watch the video
at the end of the artcile 
Petits gateaux de Halloween
The recipe is very simple and easy to prepare.

Halloween Cakes  
Petits gateaux de Halloween
As you can see on the picture on the top,
I was inspired by the Halloween towel which my daughter Jenna-Aicha has.

Petits gateaux de Halloween
If you don't have a mold of ghost cakes, 
use a normal cupcake mold.
Petits gateaux de Halloween
It is necessary to let completely cool
before beginning the decoration.

Petits gateaux de Halloween
Once you cover the cakes with the glazing,
It is necessary to let them harden a little before continuing the decoration.

Petits gateaux de Halloween
For the decoration, I used only what
I had in the cupboard. 

Petits gateaux de Halloween
After we finished, guess who was proud of herself? Jenna-Aicha indeed, she was so satisfied that
she told everybody about her art,
even her teacher at school .

Petits gateaux de Halloween
The video

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30 octobre 2012 2 30 /10 /octobre /2012 15:49

Halloween Cupcakes


The current recipe is not filmed so I wrote you the

ingredients and steps.

These cupcakes are prepared by my daughter and the two

girls from my friend that I invited recently.They were

very satisfied and especially proud of the result.  

I prepared another recipe of Halloween cakes,

I will post it very soon. 

Halloween Cupcakes9




  * 1/2 cup butter 
* 1/3 cup sugar 
* 2 Tbs brown sugar
* 2 eggs
* 1 1/2 cups flour
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1/2 cup milk
* 1 cup chocolate chips


Halloween Cupcakes10


1 - Preheat the oven to 375 F, grease and flour 
muffin pans.   


Halloween Cupcakes11


  2 - Cream butter until soft, add both sugars,
beat until fluffy. Softness, beat in the eggs, one at a time. 


Halloween Cupcakes2


    3 - Sift the flour and baking powder twice.
Fold into the butter mixture with the milk.


Halloween Cupcakes3


      4 - Divide half of the mixture between the muffin pans, sprinkle several chocolate chips on top, then cover with a spoon of batter.


Halloween Cupcakes4


    5 - Bake for about 25 min, until slightly colored. Allow to cool for 

5 min before removing them.


Halloween Cupcakes7


Frosting :


Mix 3 cups of powdered sugar, 1 p.c melted butter and enough milk to have a glazing which is not too thin.
Decorate at your choice. 



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26 octobre 2012 5 26 /10 /octobre /2012 17:57
Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha  
Mrouzia with dates is a recipe from Choumicha that she presented
during the period of El Eid, I liked the recipe so I decided to present
it "a la sousou" to my dear visitors.
I invite you to watch the video
Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
 Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
 Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
 Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
 Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
 Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
 Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
Lemrouzia aux dattes de Choumicha
The video
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26 octobre 2012 5 26 /10 /octobre /2012 14:50
poisson panie & puree pancake courgette (103)

Today I want to share with you a recipe of
baked lamb, accompanied with vegetables
cooked also in the oven and mashed potatoes
(which is a request of one of my subscribers). I marinaded the meat in a mixture of mayonnaise, mustard, olive oil and some spices.
The result is excellent, a very soft meat,
with a fantastic taste.

I invite you to watch the video     
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24 octobre 2012 3 24 /10 /octobre /2012 15:20





Although I have already posted a video to show

you how to prepare Meloui (here), I show you

today a very simple way to prepare them,

we can grill them in the skillet or bake

them in the oven.




I invite you to watch the video.



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23 octobre 2012 2 23 /10 /octobre /2012 20:16

Gâteaux aux amandes - Bliga- Gateaux Marocains 

Here are Moroccan cookies with

 almonds and orange-blossom water. 



Gâteaux aux amandes - Bliga- Gateaux Marocains


I used the same dough to prepare
Moroccan slippers "Bligha" and roses, 
These forms exist in Moroccan as well as Algerian pastry,
The dough looks a little bit like "Algerian basket ".


Gâteaux aux amandes - Bliga- Gateaux Marocains  babouche-032.jpg 


 I invite you to watch the video 



The video
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