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15 octobre 2012 1 15 /10 /octobre /2012 15:32
Sacher Torte (5)
Here is the Bithday Cake my husband asked
for , Sacher Torte, the famous Cake of Austria.
Sachertorte is a chocolate cake, invented by
Franz Sacher in 1832 for Klemens Wenzel von Metternich in Vienna, Austria. It is one of
the most famous Viennese culinary specialties.(According to Wikipedia). 
 I invite you to watch the video
at the end of the article
Sacher Torte (4)
I was actually supposed to prepare this birthday
cake during the month of Ramadan, but honestly, 
as you all know, during the month of Ramadan,
we hardly have time. Anyway,
who eats a birthday cake during
 the month of Ramadan? not me anyways

Sacher Torte (1)
 After Ramadan, I believed that my husband
forgot the request that he made but regrettably,
he demanded it to me  almost every day
(it is his favorite cake), So I had no choice.
Sacher Torte (8)
 Here it is, it is really an easy cake-
very delicious, I will often prepare it
without waiting for the birthday of my husband .

Sacher Torte (7)
  It is necessary to indicate a very important thing
to use a good quality chocolate, 60 % cocoa.

Sacher Torte (10)-copie-1
It is necessary to sift the dry ingredients
before adding them to the other ingredients.
Sacher Torte (9)
  After taking out the cake from the oven,
it is necessary  to let it cool before stuffing it.
Sacher Torte (6)
  After covering the cake, it is necessary
to  let it cool before decorating it.
Sacher Torte (3)
Sacher Torte (2)
The video
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15 octobre 2012 1 15 /10 /octobre /2012 15:20



 This is a Morrocan recipe of Chicken with Rice

and Round Zucchinis, an easy and delicious recipe

unfortunatly we do not always have the opportuniity

to eat this vegtable. 


  I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article





 I personally  prefer to eat round zucchinis like this

with couscous in milk Adish that

my mother used to prepare for us in Morocco, 

it was my father's favorite dish (allah yrehmo).




I will post the recipe of "Couscous with milk" in the future.  


Riz Poulet et Courgettes1


 I began cooking chicken with spices,

I added to it round zucchinis, after cooking,

I removed chicken and round zucchinis, I let rice 

cook in the same sauce.




Which gave a complete, well spiced and delicious dish.






The video 


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14 octobre 2012 7 14 /10 /octobre /2012 14:36
Before watching the video of the recipe, let me thank everyone who was kind enough to leave me a comment or send me an email.
No worries, I read everything you write, unfortunately I can't answer every person because you're sooooo many to write to me. But one thing is for sure,
you push me through your messages, to post you more  easy and delicious recipes. Thank you for your encouragement ... This blog is for you my friends.
Pizza schneck
I have a Mini Pizza recipe form
of Schneck for you today.

I invite you to watch the video
at the end of the article
Pizza schneck
If you want to have a tender pizza, brush
the dough with a little bit of olive oil before
adding the ingredients.

Pizza schneck
If you wish, add other ingredients

or replace mine with others, simply

 follow the procedure and time of cooking.

Pizza schneck
Not forgetting to add the last

mozzarella cheese.
Pizza schneck
Roll the dough to form a Baguette.
If the dough is too long, cut it

in half and put it in the fridge. 
1-Pizza shneak (26)
It is important to note that it is a little

difficult to cut the dough in small pieces,
but it is not impossible, just choose

a good knife for this .
1-Pizza shneak (28)
Add some cheese on the top.
1-Pizza shneak (30)
Bake on 180 C for 15 min.
1-Pizza shneak (2)-001-copie-1
The video
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13 octobre 2012 6 13 /10 /octobre /2012 01:29
I post you the recipe for Panettone Bread,
I invite you to watch the video    
at the end
  of the article.  
Panatone (11)-copie-1
Panatone Bread (3)
So here it is, try it and send me

the pictures, I'll post them on my blogs.
Panatone Bread (6)
    The original recipe of Panettone calls
for candied fruit,
I added golden and black raisins,
chocolate chips to the dough for two reasons:
Jenna-Aicha loves chocolate and also because
I am usually content with myself to use what I have
in my cupboard, I did not buy candied fruit
just for this bread:) .
Panatone Bread (7)
So here's an advice, do not waste ingredients
you can substitute one ingredient with another
or even leave it out, it won't affect the recipe.
Panatone Bread (9)
 Panettone bread requires a lot of
fermentation time, that is very important
   for an excellent result.
Panatone Bread (11)
For the mold, as you can see,

I used a sponge cake mold normal

(I did not buy the special panettone mold,

I use what I have. )
Panatone Bread (14)
Once the dough placed in the mold, I should let it
 rise 2-3am, I was obligated to

leave it overnight because it was very cold

and the dough refused to rise.
Panatone (3)-001
Another advise for the cakes and breads in general:
If the cooking time is over and you
noticed that the surface begins to brown,
place a piece of aluminum foil
over and continue cooking, as I did
for this Panettone bread.
Panatone (4)
Panatone (16)-001
  The video
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12 octobre 2012 5 12 /10 /octobre /2012 00:40
It is a very simple recipe of Mini Cheese
Cake with the famous cake Oréo.
I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (7)
First prepare the mixture, to place the cookies of 
Oréo in the papers of cupcakes and pour over the mixture. 
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (9)
These recipe of Mini Cheese cake Oréo is ideal especialy
 if you have guest. 
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (6)
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (12)
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo12
You are always many to ask me what it is 
cream of cheese ?
I took pictures in order to show you
the cream of cheese which
I often use especially in my cakes.
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13
On the pictures, you will find three kind of cheese,
They all have the same flavor, only the package is
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo14
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (4)
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (3)
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (2)
After you take the mini cheese cake out
of the oven, it needs to let completely cool
before putting in the refrigerateur.
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (1)
Decorate as you wish, with chocolate, whipped cream...
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (10)
2011-07-20 Mini Chheese Cake a l'Oreo13 (5)
The video

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11 octobre 2012 4 11 /10 /octobre /2012 00:54

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée




I invite you to watch the video 

at the end of the article 


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée


I posted you several recipes on video of stuffed Msemen, this time it is a recipe of stuffed Msemen with ground meat and even the way of

folding this msemen is different from the others

which are already posted.


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée


 I added to the stuffing green pepper that

I have roasted in the oven, it gives a nice flavor 

to the stuffing.


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée


I also added onions which I have sauteed over

a low heat with a little bit of vegetable oil,

diced green olives and chopped parsley.


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée


 Let the balls of Msemen rest 

before beginning to stuff them.


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Let rise 1h before putting Msemens in the oven. 


Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée

Msemen Farcies à la viande hachée


 The video


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10 octobre 2012 3 10 /10 /octobre /2012 22:41

Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


 There were many of you that asked me how to prepare

 honey at home, here are the pictures and the video,

It is a very easy recipe to make, you do not really need a video


Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


 It's a really good idea to prepare  

homemade honey, it saves you a little bit of money,

especially when Ramadan asks for the preparation of many

cakes dipped into honey.


Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


  One thing is important to point out: when you put

the 3 ingredients in the pressure-cooker, as soon as

the pot begins to whistle, it is necessary to decrease the fire,

because honey risks burning, which will give it

a bitter flavor.


 Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


 Even after the cooking, the honey stays light, don't worry, the consistency begins to thicken as soon as the honey cools down.


Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


This honey is ideal to dip Briwats, Makrout, Baghrir,

Meloui, Rghayef, Baklawa, Konafa... 

( All these recipes are posted 

as videos on my blog).

Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


For those who asked for Chebakiya and Sellou recipes,

I have already posted the two videos before, but I made them again,

I am working on the pictures, i will repost them 

as soon as possible for you .

 Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل

Miel Fait Maison-Recettes de Ramadan عسل المنزل


The video



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10 octobre 2012 3 10 /10 /octobre /2012 20:24

I present you a recipe of Mhencha a la pastille.
Pastille (clic) as most of you knows, is a Moroccan culinary
specialty, a kind of puff pastry, with onion, pigeons
( chicken or seafood), parsley, coriander, egg and almonds,
mixture of sweet and salty food perfumed with cinnamon.
Mhencha are made with a normal dough of Msemen (clic),
stuffed with salty and sweet mixture of pastille, called Daghmira.
An easy variation especially for those who have difficulties
finding sheets of pastille.
Source: Choumicha

The video



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10 octobre 2012 3 10 /10 /octobre /2012 01:57



This bread is called Matlou3

 supposed to be  posted during the month of Ramadan,

but I have a big stock of recipes which are waiting to be posted. 


I invite you to watch the video at the end of the artcile



Matlou3 (1)


  Honestly it is my favorite bread especially during the month of Ramadan, I like eating it with our Moroccan soup Harira which you will find HERE, accompanied with dates and Chebbakiya HERE.




As you see in the picture, the color of this bread is gold,

it is made with fine semolina. 




 It's very important to let the bread rest a few

minutes before flattening it. 




And of course, let rise.




  The difference between a normal Morrocan Bread HERE and this bread " Matlou3 ", it is the mode of cooking, this can be made two ways, either in the oven at home or with the traditionel oven, matlou3 is roasted as you will see in the video.





Matlou3 (2)


The video


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6 octobre 2012 6 06 /10 /octobre /2012 19:01
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic blog4
        These mini cakes with chocolate chips
are one of my favorite. Super soft,
delicious and easy to prepare.

   I invite you to watch the video
at the end of the article
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic blog3
       Let me tell you the story of these Mini loaves
(as I always used to do )

  how I got the idea to prepare them:
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic blog
    I was with my daughter at her school,

she choose these mini chocolate cakes

"Chocolate Mini Loaves" for breakfast.

I watched her sitting next to her friend who
took exactly the same thing, they were eating
    the mini cakes with great pleasure and a great
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic
   Their surprise was big when I told them

    that I'm going to prepare these little

cakes that same evening.
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic blog1
  The only difference between those and my cakes

    from the school, their cakes are prepared

with blueberries and mine are prepared

with chocolate chips, I also added

a tablespoon of poppy seeds. 
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic blog2
    Once back home Jenna-Aicha.    
she said she was proud of me,
especially in front of her friend.
2012-10-02 Mini Loaves pic blog5
    The video 
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